System e-mail notification plugin

System e-mail notification plugin#

This is a Bacularis Web plugin that is capable to send e-mails with the Bacularis event messages.

Please note that to work this plugin requires having a configured mail server. This mail server should be able to send e-mails passed from the PHP mail() function.

The mail server configuration should be done self before working with this e-mail notification plugin.

The plugin supports the following event types:

  • INFO - information message

  • WARNING - warning message

  • ERROR - error message

It supports the following message categories:

  • Config - actions on Bacula configuration like saving, creating or removing Bacula resources.

  • Aplication - actions like adding, editing or removing users, roles, API hosts and others.

  • Action - actions possible to run by users like running backup or restore and others.

  • Security - security issues like log in actions, log in failed or 2FA failed.

In the message title and message body the plugin provides te following keyword placeholders:

  • %service - service name. It is static text Bacularis.

  • %user - user that performs current action

  • %type - message type (INFO, WARNING, ERROR).

  • %category - message category (Config, Application, Action, Security)

  • %address - user source IP address

  • %date - message date and time

  • %title - message title

  • %content - message body

Plugin parameters

  • sender - sender e-mail in form: “XXX <>” or “

  • recipients - comma separated recipient e-mail list “,yyy@zzz”

  • subject - e-mail message title (keywords allowed)

  • content - set format of the content (keywords available)

  • msg_types - message types (INFO, WARNING, ERROR)

  • msg_categories - message categories (Config, Application, Action, Security)

Example plugin settings:
