Configuring Bacularis

Access from web browser

Use these parameters to access Bacularis:

Address: http://localhost:9097

First time login: admin

First time password: admin

Installation wizards

The Bacularis initial wizard helps installing and connecting API and Web components together. In the wizard you can choose if you want to enable API service for this instance and/or if you want to enable web interface.

To use the Bacularis web interface option with local API host, you need to configure in the wizard at least:

  • access to the Bacula Catalog database,

  • access to the Bacula console (bconsole).

For the other API features as a capability to configure Bacula (with Bacula JSON tools) and component actions (start/stop/restart) they can be configured to provide the additional Bacularis Web’s functions but it is not mandatory.

Bacula Catalog database access


For PostgreSQL supported authentication methods to set in pg_hba.conf are:

  • scram-sha-256

  • md5

  • trust

The suggested method is scram-sha-256, which is supported since PostgreSQL version 10. If you are not able to connect using this method, please make sure that your password is stored in scram-sha-256 format. You can do it for example by this SQL query:

SELECT rolpassword FROM pg_authid WHERE rolname = 'YOUR_DB_USER';

If your password is in the MD5 format, please make sure that you have set in postgresql.conf file password_encryption directive set to scram-sha-256.

password_encryption = 'scram-sha-256'

After changing it there is needed to set the Bacula database user password once again.

For the rest authenticatiom methods (md5 and trust) they works with Bacularis the same well as scram-sha-256 but they are less secure.

SUDO setting

To complete the Bacularis wizard, you may need to add sudo security policies for bconsole and Bacula JSON tools. Inside the wizard you will be able to get this sudo configuration adjusted to paths typed in the wizard fields. You can find it under Get sudo configuration links on the wizard steps. Ready sudo configuration please write in a file in location:


An example sudoers configuration for the Apache web server on CentOS/RHEL may look like this:

Defaults:apache !requiretty
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bconsole
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bdirjson
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bsdjson
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bfdjson
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bbconsjson
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl start bacula-dir
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl stop bacula-dir
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart bacula-dir
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl start bacula-sd
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl stop bacula-sd
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart bacula-sd
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl start bacula-fd
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl stop bacula-fd
apache ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart bacula-fd



It is recommended to enable encrypted HTTPS connection with TLS certificates in the Bacularis API and the Bacularis Web web servers. When the connection is unencrypted, Bacularis cannot guarantee security. The HTTP method in Bacularis should only be used for testing purposes.

Bacularis API


Basic is the only authentication method available in the Bacularis API. It provides a simple and minimal way to access both API resources and API panel. This authentication can be configured on start in the initial Bacularis configuration wizard.

Bacularis Web

All authentication methods are available to setup on the Security page of the Bacularis Web interface.


Basic is an authentication method which is natively realized by Bacularis. To make it working you can use default Bacularis users file or provide your own users file. There is possible to choose hash algorithm to store password hashes: APR1-MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, SSHA (salted SHA-1), BCrypt.

Local user

It is default authentication method. This type of authentication is realized by HTML form in the Bacularis Web. It uses internal Bacularis users file. Password hashes are stored using APR1-MD5 hash algorithm.


The Bacularis Web can connect to the LDAP server to authenticate LDAP users. This method is realized by a HTML form in the Bacularis Web.

Here is a guide about configuring the LDAP authentication:

Two-factor authentication

For the local user authentication and the LDAP authentication methods there is possible to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to make the authentication process stronger. It uses an authenticator app (mobile or desktop) that generates 6-digit one-time codes to type in the secons step of the authentication.

Enabling 2FA is available on the user account settings page in the main sidebar menu at the top. In this page is the Security tab where you can find a checkbox to enable the two-factor authentication.

Please note that 2FA is not available for the Basic authentication method.

Below you can find mini video guide about how to use 2FA in Bacularis.



It is recommended to enable encrypted HTTPS connection with TLS certificates in the Bacularis API and the Bacularis Web web servers. When the connection is unencrypted, Bacularis cannot guarantee security. The HTTP method in Bacularis should only be used for testing purposes.


General information

Bacularis API

To obtain access tokens, the OAuth2 implementation in the Bacularis API uses the Authorization Code Grant flow.

  • Authorization URL: /oauth/authorize

  • Access Token URL: /oauth/token


The Bacularis API does not use refresh tokens. After expiration token the client application has to re-authorize again.

Authorization code expire time is 7 seconds, access token expire time is 1 hour. You can change these default values in the file:


You can find there the following constants:



To learn the Bacularis API endpoints please visit the Bacularis API documentation.

Bacularis Web

OAuth2 callback URL (the redirect URI parameter) in the Bacularis Web for bacularis host is following:


Enabling OAuth2

Default the Bacularis API uses the basic authentication. Enabling OAuth2 authorization gives additional features like:

  • access to Bacularis API by secure tokens,

  • OAuth2 scopes to limit access to API endpoint by endpoint types (/jobs/, /clients/… and so on).

Enable OAuth2 in API

To enable OAuth2 please switch the Bacularis API into the OAuth2 mode. You can do it in a Bacularis API panel as shown on the following image:


Create admin OAuth2 client params

You need to create the admin OAuth2 client account which will be used by the Bacularis Web to connect to the Bacularis API. You can create it in a Bacularis API admin panel as shown on the following images:

../_images/bacularis_api_oauth2_1.png ../_images/bacularis_api_oauth2_2.png

Connect Bacularis Web using OAuth2 method

Now you can connect the Bacularis Web to the Bacularis API with using an OAuth2 authorization method in the Bacularis Web.

First please go in the Bacularis Web to the Security page on the tab API hosts and there please edit existing API host.


Please switch the method to OAuth2 and copy OAuth2 client account parameters (Client ID, Client secret…) from API panel to this form.



The Bacularis Web provides a multi-user interface that uses roles (RBAC - role-based access control) to determine available the Bacularis Web pages for individual users. Both users and roles can be set on the Bacularis Web Security page. More information about this function you can find in Access to pages chapter.

Besides of restricted pages access there is also possible to assign dedicated Bacula resources (jobs, clients, storages …etc.) to users. This way each user (or an user group) can access to restricted Bacula resources. This feature uses a Bacula Console ACL functions. To setup this type of restricted access, please visit Access to Bacula resources chapter.

Autochanger management

The autochanger management in Bacularis provides functions like:

  • load tape to tape drives

  • unload tape from tape drives

  • label tapes using barcodes

  • move tapes to import/export slots

  • release single import/export slot

  • release all import/export slots at once

  • update slots using barcodes

  • update slots by scanning tape labels written onto volume

To use it, please add autochanger device and tape drives on the Bacularis API panel using page named Devices. For using the autochanger management in Bacularis Web, Autochanger name in the Storage Daemon config must be the same as autochanger name in Bacularis API, as shown on image below.


After adding autochanger and tape drives to Bacularis API, on the Bacularis Web side please go to page Storage and select there the autochanger device. Changer and drives management is available there on tab called Manage autochanger.

Below you can see in a movie the autochanger configuration process. It is done for Baculum but for Bacularis it looks and works the same.

Autochanger configuration video guide (in Baculum)

Multiple API hosts

The Bacularis Web is designed to work with API hosts. It can work with one API host and with many API hosts. There is also possible to assign more API hosts than one to users. This way one user can manage his own API hosts using the same Bacularis Web interface.

On the figure below we can see example Bacularis hosts topology with one Bacularis Web and two Bacularis API instances. One Bacularis API can be used for regular administration work with backups, restores, clients and so on. The second one can be used for managing connected tape autochanger.


There can be many usages of multiple API hosts. You can use them for example for:

  • managing Bacula director, file daemon, storage daemon and console configuration on remote Bacula hosts,

  • working with multiple Bacula server instances,

  • managing Autochanger (slots, tapes, load, unload, move from/to import/export slots, label barcodes, update slots and others),

  • restarting remote Bacula components by Bacularis API actions (start, stop, restart),

  • managing Bacula component software (install/upgrade/remove).

More information about working with multiple API hosts you can find in the Remote host management manual.