Create backup job#

Creating a new backup job in Bacularis can be done in two ways:

  • in the new backup job wizard. This method can be good for beginning users.

  • on the Director configuration page by adding a new Job resource in [Main menu] => [Page:Director] => [Tab:Configure director] => [SubTab: Job] => [Button: Add job] This method can be good for intermediate and advanced users.

In this chapter we use the new backup wizard way.

Backup job parts#


What is required?#

  • Any version of the Bacularis web interface


Before creating a backup job, you will need to know answers on few basic questions:

What to back up?#

It is the source place from where data is backed up. In Bacula responsible for defining it are two Director configuration resources:

  • Client - this is the Bacula Client resource that is responsible for providing information about source host where the Bacula Client (also known as File Daemon) works. This defines e.g. the connection parameters to the Bacula Client.

  • FileSet - this is definition of files, directories, regular expressions, wildcard expressions and others that describe what paths to back up from the Bacula Client.

Where to back up?#

This is the destination place for your backups where they are stored. In Bacula responsible for defining the destination are the following two Bacula Director configuration resources:

  • Storage - this is the Bacula Storage resource that provides information about the host where the Bacula Storage Daemon works. It defines e.g. the connection parameters to the Bacula Storage and the device name where backups will be written on volume(s).

  • Pool - this is not a phisical place, but a logical separated “space” for storing the Bacula Storage volumes. In other words it is a virtual place for grouping volumes for a given purpose.

How to back up?#

They are various Bacula Job directives that decides about how the backup will be realized:

  • Level - the job level (Full, Incremental, Differential …).

  • Accurate - the accurate job mode to track moved or deleted files.

  • Priority - the job priority.

  • … other Job directives.

When to back up?#

This is time, when the job should be executed by the Bacula scheduler.

  • Schedule - this is the Bacula Schedule that contains the time criteria to run job automatically at specified time or with a given time interval.

Job resource parts#

If you don’t have the FileSet, Pool or Schedule yet for your new backup, you will be able to create them directly in the new backup job wizard. If you don’t have defined yet Client or Storage, you can learn how to create them in other sections of this documentation chapter here:

How to do it?#

In the Bacularis web interface please go to the Jobs page available in the main menu, then click the New backup job button. This action will direct you to the new backup job wizard.

Step 1 - General#

Please type the job name (and optional job description).

JobDefs stores common job directives that can be inherited and reused in different jobs. Here the JobDefs resource selection you can skip if you don’t use JobDefs, or select a JobDefs resource if you use it.

Step 2 - What#

Please select a Client resource from where you want to back up data.

If you have the FileSet ready for this job, you can select it in the FileSet list.

If you have not created for this backup a FileSet resource so far, here you can create it without leaving the wizard by clicking the Add new FileSet button. It will require providing at least the FileSet name, the FileSet Include block and a path to back up in the File directive. The File can be a directory path or file path.

Step 3 - Where#

On this step you can select Storage and Pool.

If you have the Pool ready for this job, here you can select it.

If you do not have a pool for this job, here you can create it by clicking the Add new Pool button. To fill are at least the Pool Name and the Pool Type directives.

Step 4 - How#

Please select a job level, such as Full or Incremental or Differential.

The Messages resource contains the Bacula reporting definitions where is set what exactly should Bacula report (ex: info, warning, error, debug, fatal, security…). In the Messages combobox please select desired job reporting definition. If you are not sure, what to choose, please choose Standard (if exists) that in most installations is the generic reporting definition.

Step 5 - When#

Define when the backup job should be automatically running. If you plan to run this job manually only, you do not need schedule for this job. If you would like to run it at given time with a given period, Schedule is capable to do this work.

If you don’t have Schedule resource for this job, here you can create it by clicking the Add new schedule button. This can be done without leaving the wizard.

Step 6 - Summary#

On the last wizard step please review the wizard summary and finalize the wizard.

Video guide#

Here you can watch the video guide that shows creating the Bacula backup job with the Bacularis new backup job wizard.