Define what to back up#

FileSet is a Bacula configuration resource that enables to define what exactly you want to back up from the Bacula Client host. FileSet can define:

  • directory paths

  • file paths

  • path regular expressions

  • path wildcard expressions

  • plugins (ex. for the database backup)

The FileSet resource also defines in the Options block the additional properties and behaviours for backed up files. They are the directives such as:

  • Signature - (SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, MD5…) it is useful for verifying the backup data consistency.

  • Compression - (GZIP[1-9], LZO, ZSTD…) it is the software compression realized on the Bacula Client side.

  • …many other directives.

What is required?#

  • Any version of the Bacularis web interface

How to do it?#

You can start creating FileSet by going to the Director page available in the main menu. After that, please go to the Configure director tab. There is available the FileSet sub-tab where is possible to manage the FileSet resource configuration.

Add FileSet window#

Please click the Add FileSet button. It will open a new window with the new FileSet form.

You need to type the FileSet name and optional description.

To define paths to back up, click the Add button and in the appeared options menu please select the Add include block option.

In the Include block by clicking the Add button is possible to add: paths to back up, include options and plugin definitions. Below you can read how you can set the includes.


Add single file/directory#

After selecting this option, in the text fields you will be able to type paths that you want to back up from the Bacula Client host.

For setting each new path you need to click the Add single file/directory option once again. It will add new text fields for paths.

Add files by file browser#

In this option you do not need to type anything (any path) manually because all paths you will be able to choose by selecting them directly on the Bacula Client host file system.

After choosing this option, in the new window in the Client list please select the Bacula Client, whose file system you want to browse.

In the file browser on the left you can browse the Bacula Client paths and select these, that you would like to include in the backup.

To select paths, please do it in the “drag and drop” way by dragging paths to:

  • big white box on the top right if you want to include current path

  • big white box on the bottom right if you want to exclude current path

If you don’t want to use the “drag and drop” way, alternatively for selection you can click the Include or Exclude links available in the file browser for each file/directory row.

Add options block#

This option adds to the current Include block a new Options block. If you need to set some additional options or behaviours for the backed up paths, you can do it in this Options block.

Add plugin#

This option enables adding new plugins. They are the Bacula Client plugins and the Bacularis plugins as well.

The plugins are useful for backing up some specific resources such as databases, services… They provide and do special actions which raw FileSet is not capable to do.

Assign FileSet to job#

After creating new FileSet, to start backing up defined paths, you need to assign the FileSet to a backup job. To do it, you can create a new Job (see: Create backup job) or use existing Job, if you already have it. In the Job resource FileSet directive you will be able to assign the FileSet to Job.

Video guide#

Here you can watch the video guide that shows creating the Bacula FileSet with using the Bacularis web interface.