MariaDB backup plugin#
This Bacularis plugin enables to backup and restore the MariaDB databases.
Base functions#
The Bacularis MariaDB backup plugin provides the following functions:
SQL logical backups
Binary physical online backups
Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)
Database system data backups (users, grants, plugins, stats …)
Binary log backups
Special database server files backup
Backup methods#
This plugin supports four MariaDB database backup methods. They are:
Dump backup method - it is also called logical database backup method. It backs up data in the SQL dump form. There are available the following three types of the dump backup method:
all databases in one dump - this is a way that that saves all databases in one consistent between databases dump file.
all databases in separate dumps - this way stores each backed up database in separate SQL dump file. With this method there is possible to restore single selected database(s).
selected databases dumps - in this way the Bacularis administrator defines which databases should be backed up. This method enables restore single selected database(s).
Binary backup method - it is also called physical online backup method. This method backs up all databases on the database file level.
Binary log backup method - this method backs up the database binary logs. The backed up log files are flushed and consistent.
File backup method - this method enables to include to the database backup also other files such as the MariaDB datatabase configuration files or other important files that can be useful for restoring the database server from scratch.
All the backup methods can be used separately or they can be mixed together. For example, there is possible to configure the Dump backup method in one job. There is also possible to use the Dump backup method, Binary log backup method and for example File backup method in one backup job and so on.
General requirements#
The MariaDB database backup plugin is available in Bacularis since version 4.5.0
To use it there is required to have:
Bacularis used as the web interface in version
or greater.Bacularis used as API in version
or greater installed on the Bacula file daemon host where is the database server to backup.The MariaDB tools on the host with the Bacula file daemon:
Bacula file daemon with the Bacula
plugin installed. In most cases it is installed by default with the Bacula file daemon.
If the Bacularis web interface is used on the same host as the database server to backup then only this one Bacularis instance is needed.
Bacula BPIPE plugin#
Please check if your Bacula client that will back up the databases has the bpipe
plugin installed.
It can be done by the status client=xxx
Bconsole command or directly in the Bacularis as below:
*status client=debian-fd
Connecting to Client debian-fd at localhost:9102
debian-fd Version: 9.6.7 (10 December 2020) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian bookworm/sid
Daemon started 02-gru-24 12:34. Jobs: run=0 running=0.
Heap: heap=266,240 smbytes=27,253 max_bytes=27,270 bufs=101 max_bufs=101
Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0 mode=0,0 bwlimit=0kB/s

IMPORTANT NOTE: In Bacula version 15.0.x
the bpipe
plugin has a bug that causes
after finishing backup the Bacula file daemon crash with the segfault
error. Read here
how to solve it: File daemon crashes after running Bacularis plugins (MySQL, MariaDB…).
Before using the MariaDB plugin there is needed to prepare the plugin command in the FileSet
resource. This action consists of two smaller actions:
create MariaDB backup plugin configuration
use this configuration in the Bacula
Creating the plugin configuration can be done in the same form and place as all other Bacularis
plugin configurations. On the Bacularis web interface it is in the Application settings
(gear wheel icon at the top left) on the Plugins
tab. It can be also done directly in the
resource configuration at the Add plugin
link. In the second case creating plugin
configuration and using it in the Bacula FileSet
happens in one step.
The window to create plugin configuration and to use it you see after clicking at the Add plugin
menu item as you can see on the image below.

After clickcing the Add plugin
item a new window will appear (as below) where you will be able to configure and use
MariaDB plugin. Please choose option second or third depending on your needs.

NOTE: After preparing the Plugin
directive please don’t forget to save the FileSet
Restore to database server#
To restore the plugin backup data directly to the database server, on
the restore wizard step is needed to choose option Restore to original location
as shown on the image below. Restore to the database server works for
the dump method backups.

Restore in file form#
To restore the plugin backup data in the file form, on the restore wizard step is
needed to choose option Restore to a given directory
that is selected by default.

Dump backup method#

In this MariaDB database backup method there are supported the following three backup levels:
- it backs up all data
- it backs up changes since the last full, incremental or differential backup
- it backs up changes since the last full level backup
Before using this method please make sure that on the host with the file daemon you have the following tools installed:
Bacularis version
or greater
MariaDB CLI tool
binary log
in the database server with logs stored in a separated directoryBacula
plugin in the Bacula file daemon
Prepare environment#
Before using the MariaDB backup plugin please make sure that your environment meets all requirements.
Binary log
To enable binary logging, you need to create a separated directory for that. For example:
mkdir -m 750 /var/lib/mariadb-log
chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mariadb-log
After that in the MariaDB configuration file (ex. /etc/my.cnf
) we can add a directive
to enable binary logging and to set the binary log format:
Please note that the log format directive (binlog_format
) should be set to the row-based
logging (binlog_format=ROW
) or to mixed logging (binlog_format=MIXED
) that in default
since MariaDB 10.2.4
After adding the binary logging the database server needs to be restarted.
Dump all databases separately#
This dump backup type gets all the database list from the MariaDB database server
and backs them up separately. Each database is in a separate SQL dump file. This backup
provides data consistency in each database (for InnoDB
storage engine) but not between
databases because databases are not backed up in single transaction but one by one.
The main advantage of this backup type is capability doing single database restore without any need to restoring all databases. The restore can be done directly to the database server (with the same or a new database name) or to local filesystem as file restore.
On full backup to the backed up databases are added also dumps with the MariaDB system data like users, roles, user permissions, plugins, statistics and others. The system information can be useful on restoring all the database server from scratch or for preparing another database server instance (like a clone) that bases on the original one. Additionally the full backup includes in each database schema the routines, event definitions and triggers.
On incremental or differential backup there are backed up the databases in the incremental or differential way and without including the system data.
Backup data structure#
Below you can see example data structure for this dump backup type that can be restored to the database server or in form of the file restore.
The file descriptions are the following:
- is created on full backup and contains the database table schema without database data. With this schema file each backed up database structure can be recreated. In case restore theschema.sql
is automatically restored first both for restoring directly to the database and for restoring on the local file system.
- it contains the full backup database data (without schema). It is restored after restorngschema.sql
to newly recreated database tables.
it contains the incremental backup data. It is restored after restoringschema.sql
(if used) and oldersql-data-*-Incremental.sql
(if used). The order of restoring is kept automatically to the correct one from the oldest to the newest backups and with taking into account appropriate full, differential and incremental backups.
- it contains the differential backup data. It is restored after restoringschema.sql
. The order of restoring is kept automatically to the correct one from the oldest to the newest backups and with taking into account appropriate full backup.
- directory contains the database system information. It can be restored in whole on in parts depending what system data needs to be restored.
- active plugins of the server
- remote servers
- statistics tables
- timezone related system tables
- user define functions
- users, roles and grants
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
Required |
Enable logical dump backup method |
This is an option to enable dump backup method at all. Without this option enabled none of dump backup types works. |
Yes |
Dump all databases separately |
Enable dumping all databases, each in a separate dump |
Yes |
Add DROP TABLE before each CREATE TABLE statement |
Add to the schema.sql DROP TABLE command before creating each table command |
No |
Additional dump program option |
Pass to mariadb-dump program additional options |
No |
Video guide#
Dump all databases in one dump#
This dump backup type creates one dump file with all databases. If there is used InnoDB
database storage engine, then data is consistent both in each database and between the databases.
Having single dump with “everything” may be useful for case restoring all databases at
once (ex. disaster recovery) or if there is needed to create a new MariaDB environment
with the same data (clone).
On full backup to the backed up databases are added also dumps with the MariaDB system data like users, roles, user permissions, plugins, statistics and others. The system information can be useful on restoring all the database server from scratch or for preparing another database server instance that bases on the original one.
On incremental or differential backup there are backed up the databases in the incremental or differential way and without including the system data.
Restoring data can be done directly to the database server or to local filesystem as file restore.
Backup data structure#
Below you can see example data structure for this dump backup type that can be restored to the database server or in form of the file restore.
The file descriptions are the following:
- it contains the full backup database data with schema.
- it contains the incremental backup database data. On restore the order of full, incremental and differential is kept automatically. The incremental backups are restored automatically after restoringall-databases-*-Full.sql
(if used) and olderall-databases-*-Incremental.sql
(if any).
- it contains the differential backup database data. On restore the order of full, incremental and differential is kept automatically. The differential backup is restored automatically after restoringall-databases-*-Full.sql
- directory contains the database system information. It can be restored in whole on in parts depending what system data needs to be restored.
- active plugins of the server
- remote servers
- statistics tables
- timezone related system tables
- user define functions
- users, roles and grants
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
Required |
Enable logical dump backup method |
This is an option to enable dump backup method at all. Without this option enabled none of dump backup types works. |
Yes |
Dump all databases in one dump |
Enable dumping all databases in one dump file |
Yes |
Add DROP TABLE before each CREATE TABLE statement |
Add to the schema.sql DROP TABLE command before creating each table command |
No |
Additional dump program option |
Pass to mariadb-dump program additional options |
No |
Video guide#
Dump only selected databases#
This backup type enables selecting databases to backup. It can be useful if there is needed to backup only some databases. This way enables restoring the single databases as well.
The MariaDB system data (users, roles, user permissions, plugins, statistics…) is not added to the backup.
On incremental or differential backup there are backed up the databases in the incremental or differential way.
Restoring data can be done directly to the database server or to local filesystem as file restore.
Backup data structure#
Below you can see example data structure for this dump backup type that can be restored to the database server or in form of the file restore.
The file descriptions are the following:
- is created on full backup and contains the database table schema without database data. With this schema file each backed up database structure can be recreated. In case restore theschema.sql
is automatically restored first both for restoring directly to the database and for restoring on the local file system.
- it contains the full backup database data (without schema). It is restored after restorngschema.sql
to newly recreated database tables.
it contains the incremental backup data. It is restored after restoringschema.sql
(if used) and oldersql-data-*-Incremental.sql
(if used). The order of restoring is kept automatically to the correct one from the oldest to the newest backups and with taking into account appropriate full, differential and incremental backups.
- it contains the differential backup data. It is restored after restoringschema.sql
. The order of restoring is kept automatically to the correct one from the oldest to the newest backups and with taking into account appropriate full backup.
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
Required |
Enable logical dump backup method |
This is an option to enable dump backup method at all. Without this option enabled none of dump backup types works. |
Yes |
Databases to backup (comma separated) |
Enable dumping selected databases each in a separate dump. |
Yes |
Add DROP TABLE before each CREATE TABLE statement |
Add to the schema.sql DROP TABLE command before creating each table command |
No |
Additional dump program option |
Pass to mariadb-dump program additional options |
No |
Binary backup method#

The binary backup method does consistent online backup all the MariaDB database server. It is fast both for backup and restore but it takes more space than the dump backup.
Because of the nature of this backup method, it makes unavailable restoring single databases. There can be backed up all the database server in the safe physical way.
More details about this method you can find in the MariaDB documentation:
The Bacularis MariaDB plugin during backup does the online full or incremental backup to the selected directory and it sends it using the Bacula file daemon to storing by the storage daemon. The backup files on the file daemon side can be kept or they can be removed after finishing backup job.
In this MariaDB database backup method there are supported the following two backup levels:
- it backs up all data
- it backs up changes since the last full or last incremental backup
Before using this method please make sure that on the host with the file daemon you have the following tools installed:
Bacularis version
or greater
- MariaDB backup tool
- MariaDB serialize/deserialize files toolBacula
plugin in the Bacula file daemon
Prepare environment#
Before using the MariaDB backup plugin please make sure that your environment meets all requirements.
Binary backup path
The binary backup method uses a separate directory to store backup files locally on the
file daemon before sending them to the storage daemon. This is the path defined in the
option Physical binary backup base path
(parameter --binary-backup-path
). This path
does not need to be created before backup (it will be created automatically if it does not exist),
but please make sure that you have enough space on the file daemon host to store the backup files.
For example if directory with your database files take 50GB, then this directory should be
able to store about 50GB for the full backup.
After finishing the binary backup, this directory is no longer needed. It can be kept or
it can be removed for example in the Bacula Job
configured with option
RunsWhen = After
. Here you can see a sample:
Job {
Name = "Binary backup ABC"
...other directives.
Runscript {
RunsWhen = After
RunsOnClient = Yes
Command = "command_or_script_to_cleanup"
Backup data structure#
Below you can see example data structure for this binary backup method that can be restored in form of the file restore.
The file descriptions are the following:
- it contains the full binary backup data in the XBSTREAM format. If there is used the--prepare-backup
parameter, this file contains the database files after doing the prepare action.
- it contains the incremental binary backup data in the XBSTREAM format. The incremental data is taken from the position where the latest full or incremental backup finished working. The ‘prepare’ action is not realized for the incremental backups and needs to be done manually in the restore time.
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
Required |
Enable physical binary backup method |
This is an option to enable binary backup method at all. Without this option enabled binary backup will not work. |
Yes |
Physical binary backup base path |
It defines a directory inside which will be stored backup files on the file daemon host before sending them to the storage daemon |
Yes |
Run prepare action on backup |
Run ‘prepare’ action on the backup files before sending them to the storage daemon. It saves time on restore. This option works only for full backup level. |
No |
Video guide#
Performing restore#
To restore the binary backup data there is needed to do a file restore the backed up files to a place on the destination host. In Bacularis restore there can be choosen for that the latest incremental backup (or full backup if incremental backup was not used).
In this example the file restore is done do the directory /dir/restore
The restore prodcedure can look as following:
# Go to restore directory
cd /dir/restore/#MariaDBBackup/SERVER2
# Create directories to extract the full and incremental backups
mkdir full1 inc1 inc2
# Extract XBSTREAM files to appropriate directories.
mbstream -C full1 -x < binary-data-45830-2024-12-03_085315-Full.mb
mbstream -C inc1 -x < binary-data-45831-2024-12-03_085342-Incremental.mb
mbstream -C inc2 -x < binary-data-45832-2024-12-03_085408-Incremental.mb
# Run prepare action on the full backup if it was not done during backup
mariabackup --prepare --target-dir=full1
# Run prepare action on the incremental backups. NOTE: The backup order has meaning.
mariabackup --prepare --target-dir=full1 --incremental-dir=inc1
mariabackup --prepare --target-dir=full1 --incremental-dir=inc2
# Stop the MariaDB server if it is running
systemctl stop mariadb
# Move the original database files somehwere.
mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql-old
# Create empty directory for the MariaDB server data
mkdir /var/lib/mysql
# NOTE: If you use binary logging to a separate directory, please make sure that this directory exists and is empty
# Run restore to the original path (default /var/lib/mysql)
mariabackup --copy-back --target-dir=full1
# Set proper ownership to MariaDB data directory
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
# If you use the binary log set the ownership for that as well
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql-log
# NOTE: If you use SELinux, please make sure that files have the correct SELinux context settings
# Run the MariaDB server
systemctl start mariadb
Binary log backup method#

With this backup method are backed up the binary log files. All backed up files are flushed before backing them up.
This method is useful if there is needed to have a binary log backup in the binary form, ex. for the Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR). It can be also used together with the PITR compatible all databases backup done using the dump method in one dump file or binary backup method.
This method supports backup the binary log files from the dedicated directory for storing the binary logs.
In this backup method there are supported the following two backup levels:
- it backs up all data
- it backs up changes since the last full or last incremental backup
Before using this method please make sure that on the host with the file daemon you have the following tools installed:
Bacularis version
or greater
- MariaDB CLI tool
- archiving utilityBacula
plugin in the Bacula file daemon
Prepare environment#
Before using the MariaDB backup plugin please make sure that your environment meets all requirements.
Because this method expects that the MariaDB stores binary log files in a separate directory, you need to know this directory path to provide it to the Bacularis MariaDB plugin configuration.
Backup data structure#
Below you can see example data structure for this binary log backup method that can be restored
in form of the file restore. In this example the binary log is stored in /var/lib/mariadb-log
The file descriptions are the following:
- it contains the flushed all binary log files.
- it contains the flushed binary log files since time last full or incremental backup.
Please note that during restoring the file structure is automatically unpacked to form like below:
The file descriptions are the following:
- it contains the flushed binary log backup files. With using them there is possible to perform the Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) if we have a consistent and PITR compatible all databases backup (dump or binary)
- it contains index of all backed up binary log files plus one current log file that has been created after flushing logs during the backup process.
NOTE: In the Bacularis restore wizard the single binary log files are not displayed but there are displayed only the full and incremental archives.
Name |
Parameter |
Description |
Required |
Enable binary log backup method |
This is an option to enable binary log backup method at all. Without this option enabled the binary log backup will not work. |
Yes |
Binary log path to backup |
The binary log files path to backup |
Yes |
Performing restore#
Restoring the binary log files is realized in the same way as every file restore to a directory.
Point-in-Time Recovery#
Once the files are restored, there can be performed the Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR). In the example below we assume that the full all database backup has been already restored. Now there is needed to add to the restored database server data since point where the all databases backup ended until point where we would like to finish the recovery.
In the PITR restore there are used: mariadb-binlog
tool, the binary log position
coordinates and binary log file names.
Finding the binary log file and start position of the all databases backups depends on
the backup method. For the dump method, the binary log coordinates can be found in the
dump file. In the example below it is the log file binary-log.000599
and the log
position 387
-- Position to start replication or point-in-time recovery from
For the binary log method, the log file name and the position coordinates we can
find in the extracted XBSTREAM file in file xtrabackup_binlog_info
. Here the
log file is binary-log.000589
and the log position is 387
cat xtrabackup_binlog_info
binary-log.000589 387 0-1-4487
Once we have the log file name and the start position, we can run:
mariadb-binlog --start-position 387 binary-log.000589
In the output we can see in the SQL form all commands recorded in this log. We can change the log file to the next files to see more SQL commands from the time after the previous log.
mariadb-binlog binary-log.000590
mariadb-binlog binary-log.000591
It the output we can see for example:
# at 281109
#241203 15:14:51 server id 1 end_log_pos 281151 CRC32 0xca459932 GTID 0-1-12193 trans
/*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=12193*//*!*/;
# at 281151
#241203 15:14:51 server id 1 end_log_pos 281183 CRC32 0x91b8a462 Intvar
SET INSERT_ID=2024/*!*/;
# at 281183
#241203 15:14:51 server id 1 end_log_pos 281293 CRC32 0x4f81074f Query thread_id=7818 exec_time=0 error_code=0 xid=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1733235291/*!*/;
# at 281293
#241203 15:14:51 server id 1 end_log_pos 281324 CRC32 0x6852d541 Xid = 15672
The end position for each log event are in string end_log_pos
like this end_log_pos 281324
that will end the recovery on the last command COMMIT
that commits these SQL commands:
SET TIMESTAMP=1733235291
Once we find the SQL command on which we would like to stop the recovery, we can save all SQL output to a file and after apply it to the MariaDB database server.
# prepare logs
mariadb-binlog --start-position 387 binary-log.000589 > /tmp/pitr.sql
mariadb-binlog binary-log.000590 >> /tmp/pitr.sql
mariadb-binlog --stop-position 281324 binary-log.000591 >> /tmp/pitr.sql
# apply everything
mariadb -u root -p -e "source /tmp/pitr.sql"
File backup method#

This backup method is for including in the backups realized by other backup methods important files for the MariaDB server that can be crucial in the restore (disaster recovery). Using the file backup method there can be included for example the MariaDB configuration files.
In this backup method there is supported only the Full
backup level that backs up
all the files in the Full
Before using this method please make sure that on the host with the file daemon you have the following tools installed:
Bacularis version
or greater
- archiving utilityBacula
plugin in the Bacula file daemon
Backup data structure#
Below you can see example data structure for this file backup method that can be restored
in form of the file restore. In this example backed up are: /etc/my.cnf.d
directory and
The file descriptions are the following:
- it contains the/etc/my.cnf
- it contains the/etc/my.cnf.d
directory content
Please note that during restoring the file structure is automatically unpacked to form like below:
...other directory files