History of Bacularis#
The history of Bacularis starts in 2011. In this year Marcin Haba started developing a new web GUI tool for Bacula called Baculus. During two years there has been developed basic web interface to do administrative work with Bacula like running backup or restore, managing Bacula media and working via web bconsole. You can see this interface on the video below:
The web GUI was developing privately and it was not been published anywhere. In 2013 Marcin shown the application to Kern Sibbald - founder of Bacula. Kern liked the web interface and he proposed to change its name from Baculus to Baculum. In March 2014 Baculum became a part of the Bacula Project. First the Baculum release took place together with the Bacula Community 7.0.0.
To the Baculum has joined from the Bacula community Wanderlei Hüttel with new ideas. He translated the interface into Brazilian Portuguese. A little later there has joined Ken Sawada who prepared translations into Japanese.
In January 2016 Marcin assigned Baculum copyright from himself to Kern Sibbald.
In 2017 took place a milestone in the Baculum history - from version 9.0.0 to the interface has been added configuration module it has been split into API and Web, two separate services that enable local and remote Bacula components configuration. Next milestone happened in 2018 in version 9.2.0 when the interface layout has been redesigned and there has been used the CSS framework. Later the web GUI has been adapted to mobile phone screens and it became responsive.
To the project joined new translator Sergey Zhidkov who translated Baculum into Russian.
In December 2021 Marcin founded a friendly fork of Baculum named Bacularis and here is the point where Bacularis starts. The goal of this new project is to help users use Bacula in a simple way with easy installation and configuration. During the half a year to Bacularis has been added many significant features and also existing functions have been reworked starting from the application architecture. We hope that Bacularis will be useful both for advanced Bacula users and for the new ones.
In 2022 to the project joined Seungwan Ryu who translated Bacularis into Korean.
Just after in 2022 to the project joined Joachim Legrand who prepared Bacularis French translations.
What will the future hold? We will see…
Thank you to everybody involved in Baculum and Bacularis during these years by preparing translations, reporting bugs, by giving ideas or proposing patches.