Basic information

Since version 4.1.0 Bacularis provides support for the plugin interface.


The main purpose of introducing plugins in Bacularis is to make it easily extensible. Thanks to the plugin interface Bacularis users are able to extend the web interface for new customized functions and new extensions.

If you need to have a specific function in Bacularis that will cooperate with your other tools, this plugin feature can be for you. You can for example write a plugin that will send Bacularis events to your mobile phone, or write them to a file. The plugin can inform about security events, trigger some actions, run scripts, call webhooks to remote servers and do many other actions depending on what type of even currently happened. It has a wide range of possibilities.

Plugin types

So far Bacularis provides the interface for notification plugins. They are plugins that receive information from Bacularis about activities on the web interface and base on that take given actions. There are three types of messages (info, warning and error) and four message categories (config, action, application and security).



Plugins store configuration in a dedicated Bacularis configuration file. The plugin configuration is called settings and it is important to know that one plugin can have many various settings. It is the key approach in the plugin function that enables to have different settings for one the same plugin. It enables for example to define one action for information and warnings and other action for error messages.



The plugin function you can find on the Bacularis web interface in the application settings page under the gear wheel icon at the top left side of the interface. It is available there at the tab called Plugins.