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<p>We started providing repository with the binary packages for openSUSE 15.6 / SLES.</p>

New package repository for openSUSE 15.6

17 Dec 2024, 05:50

We started providing repository with the binary packages for openSUSE 15.6 / SLES.

<p>We prepared a new package repository with packages for the latest stable Linux Fedora version 41.</p>

New package repository for Fedora 41

12 Dec 2024, 09:17

We prepared a new package repository with packages for the latest stable Linux Fedora version 41.

<p>Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar and 23.10 Mantic are end-of-life (EOL). We will no longer provide packages for them.</p>

Packages for old Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar and 23.10 Mantic

07 Dec 2024, 04:26

Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar and 23.10 Mantic are end-of-life (EOL). We will no longer provide packages for them.

<p>6th of December is the Bacularis birthday day. This year Bacularis celebrates third birthday anniversary.</p>

Third anniversary. Happy birthday to Bacularis!

06 Dec 2024, 08:38

6th of December is the Bacularis birthday day. This year Bacularis celebrates third birthday anniversary.

<p>We opened new Bacularis repositories support for ARM architecture.</p>

Bacularis binary package repositories for ARM

06 Nov 2024, 09:45

We opened new Bacularis repositories support for ARM architecture.

<p>In the Bacularis Project we are starting a new action named <strong>"Bacula for Everybody!"</strong> which the&nbsp;main goal is to popularize using Bacula.</p>

Action - Bacula for Everybody!

25 Aug 2024, 22:06

In the Bacularis Project we are starting a new action named "Bacula for Everybody!" which the main goal is to popularize using Bacula.

<p>We prepared a new package repository with our <strong>Bacula web interface</strong> for <strong>Fedora 40</strong>.</p>

New Bacularis repository for Fedora 40

13 Apr 2024, 06:59

We prepared a new package repository with our Bacula web interface for Fedora 40.

<p>We prepared a new package repository with packages for&nbsp;<strong>Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble</strong>.</p>

New Bacularis repository for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble

13 Apr 2024, 05:43

We prepared a new package repository with packages for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble.

<p>We have enabled support for <strong>manual installation</strong> of Bacularis.</p>

Bacularis manual installation

24 Feb 2024, 03:10

We have enabled support for manual installation of Bacularis.

<p>We stopped building binary deb and rpm packages for some old Linux distributions.</p>

Bacularis repositories for old distributions

19 Feb 2024, 05:56

We stopped building binary deb and rpm packages for some old Linux distributions.

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