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Action - Bacula for Everybody!

25 Aug 2024, 22:06
<p>In the Bacularis Project we are starting a new action named <strong>"Bacula for Everybody!"</strong> which the&nbsp;main goal is to popularize using Bacula.</p>

In the Bacularis Project we are starting a new action named "Bacula for Everybody!" which the main goal is to popularize using Bacula.

Bacularis - Bacula for Everybody!

Bacula is advanced network backup solution. Its architecture and plenty of various functions cause that beginnings of using it can be not so easy and usually it requires gaining a lot of specialistic knowledge. In the Bacularis project we would like to address this. We are happy to announce that we bring a new action called "Bacula for Everybody!" that the main goal is to make Bacula easier for begining users.

We start this action with providing in version 4.0.0 a tool to install Bacula components directly in the Bacularis initial wizard. It means that users can start with installing Bacularis and next on the initial wizard page they can install Bacula on the current host. This process includes initiating both Bacula server and client side components and also the Bacula database (the Catalog database). Moreover, Bacularis prepares all the components to work and to use directly on the web interface. So, having Bacula instance before installing Bacularis is no longer required because Bacularis can install it and set it up.

Introducing the installation is a first step in this action. This is the beginning that does not solve all problems at once. Fortunately we have more ideas planned for next months to implement in Bacularis. "Bacula for Everybody!" is one of the directions Bacularis would like to go, but not the only one. We plan to devote about 1/4 of our work to this. Rest of time is reserved as usual on new functions, bug fixes, help for the Community and maintaining the project.

We prepared a special playlist on our Bacularis YouTube channel where we are going to store all "Bacula for Everybody!" materials helpful for beginning users. We start from publishing videos about installing Bacularis and Bacula. In the near future we are going to add more materials.


Install Bacularis web interface


Install Bacula by Bacularis web interface