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New release Bacularis 2.3.0

01 Jan 2024, 07:19
<p>New faster Bacularis is coming. This release provides new functions and a speedup to jobs loading.</p>

New faster Bacularis is coming. This release provides new functions and a speedup to jobs loading.


We are happy to announce a new Bacularis 2.3.0 release. This is a new function and improvements release. We optimized loading the job tables in the web interface, so now they are loaded faster. Besides that we added a new job summary page, new pre-defined filters to the main job table and we added two new buttons: to download job log and to copy job log to clipboard.

Main changes

Bacularis Web
- Add job summary report tab to job view page
- Add copying job log to clipboard and add saving job log to file
- Improve displaying job table filters
- Add predefined filters to job table

Bacularis API
- Optmize loading jobs on volume and client jobs
- Significant job list optimization

Bacularis Common
- Add function to save file locally and improve copying to clipboard function
- Update styles to job summary tab cards