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Updated Bacularis Docker container images

19 Sep 2023, 06:13
<p>We prepared in Docker Hub service new container images that base on the latest stable version of Alpine and Debian.</p>

We prepared in Docker Hub service new container images that base on the latest stable version of Alpine and Debian.

We are glad to let you know that we prepared new Bacularis Docker container images with new Bacula, PHP, PostgreSQL and others. The 2.1.2 version images have been rebuilt to support these new base systems and uploaded to the Docker Hub.

Now the container images contain the following components:

Bacularis on Alpine 3.18.2:
 - Bacula 13.0.2
 - PHP 8.2.10
 - PostgreSQL 15.4
 - Nginx 1.24.0

Bacularis on Debian 12.1 Bookworm:
 - Bacula 9.6.7
 - PHP 8.2.7
 - PostgreSQL 15.3
 - Nginx 1.22.1

We encourage to visit us in Docker Hub and to try Bacularis images: https://hub.docker.com/repositories/bacularis