New released a new version of our Bacula web interface.
We are glad to announce a new Bacularis version 4.7.0. This is a new function release. This time we focused on new usability functions and improvements.
The first new function is tagging. This feature enables to tag almost all resource types available in the tables. There can be tagged Bacula resources (jobs, clients, volumes...) and Bacularis resources (users, roles, API hosts...). Everywhere the tag icon is available, there is possible to tag elements. We prepared a video guide where you can learn how to use it. You can find it below or in the documentation in a new tags chapter.
Second usability function is data views for the Bacula configuration resources. Data views allow to arrange in groups the resources by defined criteria. So far, the data views were available for only a few resources. Now there is possible to use it also with the Bacula config resources both for Director, Storage, Client and Console components configuration. For example users can group in logical sets the FileSets or Clients or Jobs or all other configuration resources.
In addition to these two major features, we have also made some smaller improvements to the overall experience of the web interface.
We upgraded the base Alpine version in container images from 3.20 to 3.21. It means that in the Bacularis Alpine images there have been updated the following packages:
- Bacula from 13.0.3 to 15.0.2
- PostgreSQL from 16 to 17
- PHP from 8.2 to 8.4
If you use the the bacularis-standalone or bacularis-api-dir container images and you use that Bacula catalog database, you need to run pg_upgrade and scripts to upgrade the Bacula catalog table format.
Bacularis Web
- Add tag support
- Add tag manager
- Add data views to Bacula configuration pages
- Add clear search field button for table search input
- Add local tag management on user account settings page
- Add global tag management on application settings page
- Improve displaying labels on Firefox
- Improve host name validation
- Improve job list table view
- Increase allowed drive and slot numbers in storage commands
- Fix getting tags if user does not have any local tag
- Fix removing tags
Bacularis Common
- Add clear button to search fields
- Add tag styles
- Fix reloading web server config after certificate installation if SELinux is enabled